Labour Impact Category

There are three (3) streams under the Labour Impact Category of PEI PNP. The list can be found below:

Minimum Criteria

To be eligible for nomination through one of the Labour Impact Category streams you must:

  • Have a full-time long-term (i.e. permanent or minimum of two years) job offer from a PEI employer;
  • Be able to attend an interview with staff from the PEI Office of Immigration, if required;
  • Possess a minimum education of secondary school;
  • Be between the ages of 21 and 59;
  • Possess sufficient English/French language ability to perform the job offered;
  • Have sufficient financial resources to pay all immigration costs (including travel expenses) for you and your family to be able to establish in PEI; and
  • Demonstrate a genuine intention to settle in PEI.

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